• Question: Why do potatoes turn green?

    Asked by race44bat to Min, Marcello, Katie, Israel, Dheeraj on 19 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Israel Ikoyi

      Israel Ikoyi answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      It’s chlorophyl that gives potatoes the green colour and it is harmless. However, the green colour can also be due to the production of a harmful toxin called solanine.

    • Photo: Dheeraj Rathore

      Dheeraj Rathore answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      Exposure to light makes potatoes turn green. The green itself isn’t a problem — it’s chlorophyll. But the same conditions that cause the potato to produce chlorophyll also cause it to produce solanine. Solanine is a mild natural toxin that causes nausea and other intestinal upsets. Therefore, we should avoid consuming green potatoes.
